Monday, January 19, 2009

Guide To Buying Property in Italy

Once you have chosen your property you should engage the services of a solicitor, whether you buy through a real estate agent or directly from the vendor. An Italian solicitors knowledge of Italian real estate law is invaluable and he is there to look after your interests and your interests only!

When buying a property in Italy the first document you will be called upon to sign is the so called “proposta irrevocabile d’acquisto” (reservation offer), this is normal practice when purchasing through an estate agent. On the other hand when purchasing directly from the vendor (private sale) this document is not normally used. This is one of the many reasons why a solicitor should always be engaged.

By signing the proposta irrevocabile d’acquisto you will be taking the property off the market for a limited period of time, normally 15 days. During which time your solicitor, and where necessary assisted by a surveyor, will make all the necessary searches to ascertain that the property is without any debts, mortgages, claims etc.

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Tuscany Real Estate